The law abiding citizen
The law abiding citizen

Seeing the judicial system as inherently corrupt, Shelton holds the city in a grip of terror, making his own demands that most are powerless against, to make his statements against what he views as a corrupt system.

#The law abiding citizen series#

Magnificent Bastard: Clyde Shelton, after losing his family to the depraved Clarence Darby, schemes for years, studying law and the city to murder Darby himself, and gets arrested, conniving to pull off a series of attacks against all he holds responsible for Darby's freedom.The fact he died a horrible death is pretty sad. Just before his execution, he says that he regrets ever having been there that night. Darby sold him up the river when he tried to stop him. Yeah, he was Darby's accomplice, but he only wanted to rob the place, he didn't want to kill anyone. Clyde, he kills a lot of people, but he had his wife and daughter murdered and the main perpetrator got off with a slap on the wrist.This unintentionally mirrored a line from Team Fortress 2's trailer "Meet The Spy", which has the Scout saying " dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scumbags!" The payoff? Well, see Law Abiding Engineer. Hilarious in Hindsight: At one point, Bray says "spies are a dime a dozen", which was included in the trailer.When Sarah and the others are blown up outside the prison, Clyde is shown in priest-like black clothes and white undershirt, fingering his daughter's bracelet which resembles rosary beads.The fires that surround Clyde the last moment we see him in the film before his death.Clyde might be sympathetic, but the crimes he committed are still wrong. That and he killed his cellmate simply to advance his plot.

the law abiding citizen the law abiding citizen

Draco in Leather Pants: There are quite a few people who present Clyde as a hero fighting a corrupt system, ignoring that many of the people who die at Clyde's hands were simply employees doing their jobs and not actively trying to wrong him.

The law abiding citizen