A broad overview of Golarion's gods and religions, new character abilities, magic items, and monsters flesh out the world for both players and Game Masters. Email me at (and if you just tried to cut & paste that, I'm sorry: I hate spam bots).The exciting world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game comes alive in this giant 320-page full-color hardcover campaign setting!įully revised to match the new Pathfinder RPG rules, this definitive volume contains expanded coverage of the 40+ nations in the world of Golarion's Inner Sea region, from ruin-strewn Varisia in the north to the sweltering jungles of the Mwangi Expanse in the south to crashed sky cities, savage frontier kingdoms, powerful city-states and everything in between. Have some constructive criticism? Have these name generators helped your campaign? Did the right Half-orc name save your life, or the life of someone you love? Do you just want to talk? I would love to hear from you. Note that these algorithms are not perfect, and you might need to generate several names before settling on one that you like: it is the nature of the Markov chain to occasionally produce silly gibberish, names that do not "fit", or even "real" names. The name generators presented here are based on Markov chains, and construct names that tend to follow the same letter/syllable combinations and distributions as the source names from which they were seeded.

If you need to name your half-elf, go with an elven name or an ethnic human name, and modify it if so inclined.
#Pathfinder inner sea world guide trove generator#
A half-elf name generator does not make a lot of sense in this context. See also: Inner Sea region The Inner Sea is one of the most heavily traveled and populated bodies of water in Golarion.Formed when the Starstone fell to earth in -5293 AR, reshaping the face of the planet, the Inner Sea rests between Avistan and Garund.Before Earthfall, the two continents had been joined by a land bridge. Their names will either be human, elven, or when they strike off on their own, tossed aside in favor of one they choose for themselves. If you think about this logicially, a race with no culture of its own is not going to have established names of its own, either. Half-elves are described as "lacking a culture of their own", and "adopting the societies in which they find themselves". I'll be honest here: I think Paizo goofed on Half-elf names. OK, I support all the major races but Half-elves. That being said, just becuase a Golarion ethnicity may be based on a particular Earth culture, that doesn't necessarily mean that the names are, too.

There is not a perfect 1-to-1 mapping between them, but there are enough similarities to make it possible to randomly construct names using historical names as guides. Most of Pathfinder's human ethnicies are modeled after a historical ethnicity or blend of ethnicities in Earth's history.

All the major races and human ethnicities from the Inner Sea World Guide and the Tians from the Dragon Empires Gazatteer are supported. Surnames are also available in limited cases. Benefit: When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with scimitar. Select a Golarion race or ethnicity from the navbar to generate random masculine or feminine names. Dervish Dance (Combat) You have learned to turn your speed into power, even with a heavier blade.